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Business Assessment

Call us on +62 818 117 589
For any question, information & discussion

Our Services

Call us on +62 818 117 589
For any question, information & discussion

Welcome to Your Business Journey

Call us on +62 818 117 589
For any question, information & discussion

Business Assessment

Call us on +62 818 117 589
For any question, information & discussion

Our Services

Call us on +62 818 117 589
For any question, information & discussion


Why start with business assessment?

By taking business assessment, you will have clarity where are you today on your business journey, with that information in mind, your journey would be focus, so much easier and less stressful.


5 Building Blocks of Team Assessment

This assessment is used to find the factors that cause a team to be ineffective and unproductive. If you see or feel that your team is unproductive then this assessment can help you identify the causes. This assessment uses the 5-blocks model of productive team building and its causal factors


Work Engagement Assessment

This assessment is used to measure how engaged employees are with their organization or work. The more engaged employees are, the greater the employees' active contribution to the job or organization. The more engaged employees, the more competitive an organization will be


Business Assessment

By taking this assessment, you will have clarity on what is your business level. You will have information & recommendation on priority level area that you need to work on as a business.


Our Services

Consultancy & Coaching Program

Accountability. Objectivity. Growth.

In today’s world, finding the ideal solution mean the difference between total disaster and glorious victory. Unfortunately, most of us are too close to the situation to calculate the risks clearly. Making the necessary decisions and taking that logical next step into the future requires clarity and focus. Our Consultancy or Coaching Program provides support and focus on your growth in personal as well as in business area. You get additional perspective, more effective production, fewer crises, and the momentum to keep you at peak performance. Coaching tailored to fit your schedule and timeline creates the future you want, more productive, efficient, and accountable. Whether your attention is focused on a single aspect of your business or diverted to a multitude of activities, each appointment provides you with “ah ha!” moments that move you forward smartly and strategically.

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Consultancy & Coaching Subscriptions

Easy. Smart. Engage

Growth breeds unexpected challenges. That’s why we provide the resources you need to gain control and clarity within your business—and most of all—achieve sustainable growth. This Subscription program delivers the tools to give you insight and idea in your business journey at your convenient time.

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Instant Solutions

Affordable. Fast. Direct

Business happens fast and, when it does, you need to be ready. Luckily, we are ready to help you tackle challenges as they happen. Instant Solutions is the perfect answer for specific situations. With no contracts or retainers, you can purchase as much or as little time (minimum of 50 minutes) as you need to solve the problem at hand.

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Our Blog

Spark of Mind

Why Business Assessment?

Never ever think of giving up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience.

Value share in business

Never ever think of giving up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience.

Our Stories

Story of Humaninc

Humaninc is created from a deep understanding that business owners need to have clarity on their business challenges, a sidekick to help them see other sides of the story and a sparring partner to grow with.

With years of experiences of the coaches in helping business to grow and achieve their potential, we believe can bring richer view for business owners.
Blending our entrepreneurial journey, adaptive learning, coaching & consultancy skills combined with science-based performance strategies creates a predictable methodology for you to achieve your business growth.

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Dianjurkan mengambil assessment setahun sekali. Assessment bisa dipakai sebagai langkah awal untuk mendiagnosa kondisi saat ini maupun sebagai pembanding kemajuan jika dilakukan per tahun.

Proses konsultasi / coaching dan pendampingan dilakukan hybrid tergantung kebutuhan dan kondisi, bisa onsite maupun online.

Tentu bisa, silakan pilih program "Consultancy & Coaching Subscriptions" atau "Consultancy & Coaching Program", mengisi form yang disediakan untuk membuat janji pertemuan.

Silakan kontak kami dengan klik tombol whatsapp atau klik tombol "start with us" dengan mengisi form. Anda bisa juga klik email di menu di bawah page ini.

Pembayaran tergantung pada kesepakatan kontrak, pada umumnya jika program adalah setahun maka pembayaran dapat dibagi menjadi 2-3 termin pembayaran. Khusus untuk layanan “Instant Solution & Assessment” pembayaran dilakukan sekali. Silakan ikuti langkah-langkah di menu jasa “Instant Solution” untuk mendapatkan jadwal pertemuan.

Jika memerlukan assessment yang lebih komprehensif juga diskusi dengan konsultan lebih detail berkaitan dengan hasil assessment dan rencana kerja perbaikannya. Silakan klik menu "Our Services" di Premium Assessment.

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